Pylons 0.9 released

Last week during OSCON 2006, I was able to get a release of Pylons out. This version had some big internal changes, no longer using custom Myghty resolvers. We now use a very straight-forward WSGI interface to setup the application and the middleware. It's easier to customize as a result, and the call-cycle is very understandable.

A bonus of our emphasis on using the WSGI specification and having a flexible architecture, has been that we've been able to maintain a very high degree of backwards compatibility despite such a large internal change-up. Many Pylons 0.8 applications run with absolutely zero changes under Pylons 0.9. Now that we're using a clean and powerful API for our internal components, we can begin to add more new features without any backward compatibility issues.

Additional cool features in 0.9:

  • Swap the default templating language to your choice of TurboGears compatible template engine plug-ins
  • Controllers are called with the WSGI interface, enabling powerful application re-use
  • Custom version of Buffet that can cache templates rendered with any supported template engine
  • Mapping system now supports HTTP method restrictions for REST-ful web services
  • Interactive debugger can be used to examine AJAX triggered exceptions

We're still adding more great features, and working towards a very solid and robust 1.0 release soon. The existing feature set of Pylons is rather large as well, since many of the projects Pylons leverages have been making great strides (SQLAlchemy, Paste, Routes, etc.).

About Pylons

Pylons combines the very best ideas from the worlds of Ruby, Python and Perl, providing a structured but extremely flexible Python web framework. Python concepts are utilized as often as possible to increase your knowledge re-use (Knowing Python makes Pylons easy), in addition to fully leveraging the WSGI protocol for maximum code re-use.

Ben Bangert
Ben Bangert
Software Contriver

Code. Homebrew. Hike. Rollerblade.